GuyGrumpy is a Hearthstone player and streamer who has been involved in the Hearthstone scene since its standard release.
Author: Esportsium
No Politics in Esports?
There is politics in esports. The competitive nature of esports has taken the world by storm and has also attracted legal and government oversight.
Is Hearthstone Battlegrounds Killing Hearthstone?
Hearthstone Battlegrounds, a new Auto Battler variation that has been so popular that all other modes have been left barren. Hearthstone needs change.
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Daniel Negreanu Signs with GGPoker
Daniel Negreanu is easily the most recognizable poker player on the planet. It’s also safe to say he has already earned the status of a true Poker Legend. GGPoker proudly calls him one of our own.
Podcasts are Dead said the Video Star
In a day and age where everything things are more visual, some would expect the death of podcasts to already be happening. Podcasts are dead and gone.
Join a Poker Stream Team
Building a poker stream has started. We’ve forged trusted relationships with the most significant gaming companies in the world and pursuing more.
A Year of Milestones for Esports & Gaming
The Esports and Gaming Community has continued to exceed expectations. Massive amounts of fans watch their favorite streamers on Twitch. Here are some of the key statistics for 2018.
Critical Roles in Esports | Mark Swanson
In this ever-changing esports world, do you ever wonder where the industry is going? Esportsium enters the arena and is quickly becoming an authority in connecting eSports players and influencers with sponsors. Founder and owner, Mark Swanson, tells the story.
Esports Revenue Beats Expectations
Esports Revenue: It’s well-known that eSports is one of the fastest growing industries, but the speed of its growth is surprising even experts. £Growth” might not even be a strong enough word anymore for what’s happening to the eSports industry – it’s almost exploding.